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Tuesday, January 29, 2008


For those of you who may not know - I am now in Germany!!!! YAY!!!

I arrived on the 26th of January, at about 5:30 in the morning. Shortly before six, I finally had my luggage and had gone through customs where Fabian was waiting for me...looking and smelling great. :)

It's always so wonderful to see him again after a long absence. I'm always so nervous to see him again, but then as soon as I do everything immediately goes back to normal, and it feels as if we were never apart. It's such a great feeling.

So far we haven't done too much. Just tried to enjoy our time and fight the jet leg (he worked at night the last days before I came, so he's also suffering from "jet leg"). Saturday we watched some movies, Sunday we watched a movie and took a nice long walk, Monday we watched a bunch more movies, and today we've eaten breakfast, he worked on some work he needs to do for BK and I've worked out so far. Later this evening we're going to drive his mom to Frankfurt for a flight and then go out to dinner at a really nice restaurant... Tomorrow we're driving to Siegen to see his Dad and dad's wife...

I'm pretty excited. It's been great to see everyone over here again, and wonderful to be back with Fabian again. The food is even better than I remembered...and the Baki (banana and cherry juice) is delicious!!

Oh..and on the way over I finished Harry Potter 7...such a good book!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Rest In Peace

For those of you that have yet to hear the news, actor Heath Ledger was found dead in his apartment in New York this past Tuesday, January 22, 2008.

Surrounded by sleeping pills and anti-anxiety medication, an autopsy was performed and was inconclusive. An official reason for death has yet to be released. For more information, check out the Baltimore Sun article or the Herald Sun article.

Was it suicide? Was he depressed and addicted to drugs? In all honesty, I don't know.

What I do know, is that I enjoyed his acting, and find it tragic that an actor I "grew up with" won't be making any more films, beyond what he has recently finished. May he rest in peace.

Friday, January 18, 2008


Dear Public:

I know I have been absent from you lately, and I apologize. Though life hasn't been hectic or crazy busy, as I could claim...life has been full of applications, resumes, cover letters, and references. Hours are spent each day working on my job applications, and until now I have sent out 6 separate job applications.

In other news I leave in 1 week for Germany! It's been a year and a half since I was there, and I've been trying to spend some time brushing up my German before I arrive. Naturally, after over a year living in the states again, my German is a bit worse than it used to be - and my American accent has taken over as well.

Tomorrow I travel with family to an indoor water park in Northern Minnesota. The trip is a christmas gift to ourselves...something we decided to do instead of spending money on each other for gifts. I look forward to this as well...though it is the coldest weekend of this current winter.... Saturday morning is supposed to be -38 wind chill! EEEK!

Once again, I apologize for my absence, and hope you will forgive me in coming weeks for similar absences. I promise I haven't died - I've just been busy.

Yours truly,

Friday, January 11, 2008

things that make me go hmmmmmm?

I am a very blessed person... why you ask? Because I didn't have one bill due this week..or two.. I had THREE!

So I go to pay my three bills the other day, all of which I do online (thank goodness, I love online bill pay)... and two out of the three go quite nice and normally. Then when I go to the third website, I can't log in.

So the next day I call the place and they say their system is down, but here is a new password, try that to login to your account.

And I try it. And I try it. And I try it again, just to be sure. Nope..no good.

Then today, three days later about, I finally the new info AGAIN, and it still doesn't work. Here's our conversation:

Customer Service: "You're account has been inactivated, that's why you can't log in."
Me: "Oh? Does it say why?"
CS: "I'm not sure why, let me look at the notes section." (she looks) "It doesn't say why."
Me: (noise of surprise) "That's weird. Could it be inactivated automatically for some reason?"
CS: "Nope. You'd have to call in and tell us to."
Me: "Well, the other day was the first time I ever called you and I didn't do it then. Weird."

I set up a new account though, and all is well. Bill is paid..it just made me go hmmmm...

And the other hmmmm thing today was when I went to check out a movie at a movie place I haven't been to in months and months..and she says

Her: "You actually have your own account already. There is a late fee you'll have to pay first though, for $62.15."
Me: "What?!? For what movie?"
Her: "Shawn of the Dead."
Me: "Uh.... I never would have rented that movie in a million years."
Her: "Really?"
Me: "No. And I'm not stupid enough to leave a movie out that long."
Her: "Okay, I'll take it off. Don't worry about it."
Mom: "She hasn't even been home the last several months."

Later, upon looking in my wallet, my old id card for there is missing. Did it fall out of my wallet sometime and some one else use it?


Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Me: Looking for a Job

Blah. So, as we all know, I finished up my internship in Texas and arrived back home on Dec. 12, 2007.

On Dec. 17th, I started working a temporary job in a nearby city, which is finishing up tomorrow - Jan. 10th, 2008.

Of course, I only have 2 weeks to go before I leave for Germany for 3.5 weeks. It seems quite pointless to me, and everyone I've asked, to apply for and start a permanent part time or full time position anywhere in this two weeks, since I'm leaving soon on vacation.
Instead I've been off searching for temporary jobs! Hopefully I'll find one through a temp agency soon, even if it's just for a few days here or there in the next couple of weeks.

Tonight I wrote down some temp agencies to contact tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get SOMETHING!!

In the mean time, I've spent a lot of time learning how to do resumes, cover letters, and searching for jobs. I've been working on application packets... and it seems no matter how long I sit at the computer, I get NO.WHERE.

Anyone else ever have this feeling?

P.S. For those interested - I'm not going to be able to make it to Fargo before I leave on my trip, because I have no gas money to get me there and am NOT doing Pracs. I miss you all!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone's Christmas went well, and that they got all the time they needed to spend with family and friends!

I also hope everyone's New Year's Eve was happy and safe!

Not too much has been going on in my world since I last talked to you all. I enjoyed my time off around the holidays, but didn't get nearly as many things done as I had originally planned (isn't that how it always is?). Work has been going pretty good, though it looks as if my temp job will be over sooner than I had hoped.

My family is well and my christmas was fun. I enjoyed time with friends and family, especially those I don't get to see very often. New Year's eve went well too; I spent it was a high school friend who I haven't seen in a few months. We enjoyed dinner, then hung out until nearly 2 in the morning at her place. :)

Today is New Year's Day and I plan to do a bit of shopping for some much needed jeans, and to get the rest of my resumes out. Let's hope I get a job, soon!

Only 25 Days until I leave for Germany!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Happy New Years and may your life be Great in 2008! (I love that saying!)