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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Here I Am

It's been quite a while since I've come here and updated my blog. Things here are going great and we've been really busy, hence my lack of posts. My days now are busy for 8+ hours each day, 7 days a week. The cats all need to be watered, medicated, and cleaned, plus there are horses and cows to butcher, cats to be fed on certain days, and all sorts of maintanance activities that need to be completed. These are the all of the things that fill my day.

Today has been a different day, however. After going out to eat last night and laughing with my roommate, I started to get a sore throat. Not thinking much of it, I went to bed. When I woke up this morning to work, my throat still hurt and there were little round red bumps in my throat where your tonsils are (mine were removed 10 years ago). I managed through some morning chores until 10 am, then came to nap in my room. Today was a lighter day, and although there was still work to be done, the director told me to just rest and take it easy. So I've been sitting in my room all day today, napping, reading, drinking fluids, and trying to get better. I do actually feel quite a bit better than earlier, as now I have the energy to sit up at my computer for awhile. Instinct tells me that I'll be a new woman by tomorrow! :) Or at least a healthy woman.

I hope everyone elses days are going well.

Friday, September 14, 2007





Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I am WOMAN - hear me ROAR!

Guess what I did yesterday?!?

I caught a spider, under a glass, put some paper on the top to hold him in, and let him loose outside! I didn't freak out at all during the entire thing, except a tiny bit at the end when he headed straight back for the house and I went running for the door screaming "No! Go in the other direction you creepy spider! Stay outside!" and then slammed the door shut.

Some of you may say, "Big deal - who hasn't done that? It's just a spider!" Let me just remind you that a mere two weeks ago, I wouldn't have ever done that. I would have let someone else deal with it or would have killed it, with a big production.


Monday, September 10, 2007


Today I posted my first thing on Craigslist ever!

And someone is already interested!

What did I post? My old laptop. Go here to read my posting.

Hopefully, the person interested will buy it for my asking price! :)

Friday, September 07, 2007

My Morning

The other intern and my day so far:

8 AM - Wake up, wish I could go back to sleep, get dressed, brush my hair, wash my face, brush my teeth.

8:10 AM - Get instructions from director on how to clean inside enclosures for our two cats Tabby (tiger) and Rosco (cougar).

8:11 AM - Go to work cleaning, scrubbing, disinfecting, and drying both enclosures.

8:45 AM - Shut and lock both enclosures. Go make sure all 54 cats on the grounds have fresh water while the other intern gives AM medicine.

9:06 AM - Go back to Vet Center, see that director is back with the hawk that someone said flew into their window that the director went and picked up. Go inside and look for a few minutes, drink half a coffee mug of OJ.

9:20 AM - Director gives us keys to unlock the outdoor enclosures of both Tabby and Rosco. Tells us how to clean them, then leaves to take the hawk to the vet hospital in town.

9:30 AM - Go get the gator (type of vehicle we drive to carry things).

9:35 AM - Realize I forgot to get rakes and shovels. Go back to get rakes and shovels.

9:40 AM - Grab a drink of OJ, and some Fig Newtons so I don't collapse from lack of energy. Go help other intern clean, scrub, disinfect, outdoor exhibits.

10:40 AM - Finish cleaning both enclosures. Let cats back outside. Go inside and put everything away that was taken out to clean.

10:45 AM - Sit down to breakfast, finally.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Spider Attack!

After my first few days of obsessive "oh-my-gosh-there-are-giant-spiders-here" mood, I realized that most of the spiders can't hurt you and the ones that can probably won't hurt me as long as I am careful of them. Since then I have been very proud of myself and my ability to cope with the bugs I hate worst of all in the whole world. I have even been able to look at the giant spiders you see everywhere outside in awe and to really appreciate them for their beauty, and I have really meant it.

Now, it seems as if to test my new found resolve to not abhor spiders completely, we have found two spiders in my room, two nights in a row. Last night, there was a good size one sitting under my dresser. I got my fellow intern, who killed it for me (she hates them too, but is more willing to get rid of them than I am). Later I checked my bed really well, under my bed really well and came to the happy conclusion that I am spider-free and settled into my bed for the night. Now tonight, off to bed I go, and I find another spider - this time much larger (about the size of my palm), sitting by my door. This time we caught it in a glass (well, the other intern did), and brought it outside.

The funny thing is that both spiders sat calmy, without moving within the same 6 square inch section of my room, two nights in a row, and were headed in the same direction. Maybe my room is part of an elaborate spider escape route for spiders who feel repressed by human beings and they're on their way to freedom. Or maybe it's a route taken by daredevil spiders who wish to try their luck with Rosco, the cougar, or Tabby, the tiger - whose cages both come indoors to the room next to mine. They could have this entire spider circus back there, and dodging the giant paws/claws/teeth of the two cats is their main event! Or maybe there's a little spider hang out under my dresser, where all the cool spider dudes go to hang out after a hard day's work on the web. Or maybe this is just a test, to see how well I actually am with the spiders and other giant bugs down here.

Well, if this is a test, you creepy spiders, let it be known that I shall pass with flying colors!!!! And, if you all just happen to be passing through my room on your way to another place, then could you please just try to pass through faster, so I don't have to SEE you right before I go to sleep? Pretty please? Oh, and for those of you who are running the spider hang-out under my dresser...consider this your eviction notice!

Stupid T-Mobile

Over the last year, I have been a not-so-happy customer of T-Mobile for my cell phone service. Before I went to Germany I had them, and the service was great. This time wasn't as good though. Whenever I would call someone from my phone, there usually was a connection problem. The phone would ring, they would answer it but no one would be there. On my end it would say "connected" but there wouldn't be a phone ringing or someone answering it. And of course, this used up my minutes quite quickly, especially since it was happening 2-3 times per call I would make.

For this issue and others I called into their service center between 3-5 times from February to August. My contract was up August 28, and fed up with their service, I decided I want nothing to do with them anymore. During each and every call to the service center I let them know that after my contract was up, my service needed to be canceled because I'm done with the company. Every single time the service agent tried to get me to get a new 2-year contract. Every time I told them no, that as of 8-28-2007, I'm done with T-Mobile for good.

So what do they do after my cell phone plan is up? Put me under "month-to-month!" Those people tried to get me to pay another month without my realizing it. It's a good thing I decided to double check this morning and make sure my phone is shut off. When I went to use it though - it worked! I promptly called (from a different phone) their service center, told them to cancel it and that I'm not paying even the few days service since it was their mistake not mine, and now am officially done with them.

Seriously...why can't people just be honest in this world and not try to con you out of more money?

Sunday, September 02, 2007


Yesterday I finally did something productive! Or at least more productive than I've been overall. From about 7:30 am until 5 pm we spent the day cleaning animal pens. It was hard work, but really not so bad with three or four people doing it together and keeping each other company.

After we were done cleaning we hit the pool and had barbecue for dinner. The other new intern for the fall showed up as well yesterday, and she's nice. Unfortunately another worker thought it'd be funny to throw me in the pool fully clothed, but didn't realize my cell phone was in my pocket. So as of right now, my phone is out of commission. We're letting it dry, and hoping that once it does it'll still work. Other wise the guy who did it said he'd get me a new one, but it'll be later in the week before that happens.

That's about it for the news. Today is a slow day with not too much going on, so I get to relax a little. Since we're cleaning all the pens again tomorrow, I'll take a day of relaxation.