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Thursday, May 17, 2007


So, life in the last 2.5 weeks has been great. Fabian has been here, I haven't had to work, I graduated college, things are really great.

Then I found out that I bounced a couple of checks. We're human, it happens. The stupid part is that I got charged 215 dollars in overage charges by the bank. Stupid bank. I called them up and got them to remove several of the various fees, but I still have to pay about 85.00 dollars in charges, even though I only went about $15.00 in the negative.

Seriously - anything that CAN go wrong this year DOES go wrong.

Today we're heading up to Duluth. I'm going to go deposit money in my bank account, then not touch that money until next week. Then we're going to Duluth and I'm going to just enjoy the last few days with my fiance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate it when banks do that! We once had three or four checks bounce and none of the checks were over 15 dollars yet we were charged 30 dollars per check and we deposited money that day too...they just did that entry last! How frustrating!