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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Today, I'm smarter!

Today I did things a little bit smarter. Since I'm at the library again, I decided to update my blog as one of the first things I do, so that I make sure I have plenty of time.

As I was saying yesterday, things are going alright. I work a lot, which after 4 days (and 42.5 hours of work) is finally catching up to me. I'm thankful for it though because it makes up for the time I had off with Fabian, and also it keeps my mind off of being alone at home. It's a lot easier not to be sad at home for 4-5 hours instead of an entire day.

As far as grades go for my last semester at college I earned all A's, except for 2 B's. My total cumulative GPA for college is 3.51! :) I just made it to "honors" officially, even though I didn't technically graduate with honors. That's okay. I know I did it, and I'm proud of myself. I got a B in Cell Bio and Invertebrate Zoology... which makes me happy since I thought I might get C's in both at the beginning of the semester.

I finished reading Harry Potter 5 in German, and have moved on to Harry Potter 6. I'm extremely interested and curious what happens... I'm also playing the Sims 2 now, something I treated myself to buying when Fabian was here. I'm not quite as into it as some people are, but it is really interesting and I'm happy I bought it.

And that's really about it in my life right now. I have a TV at my new apartment, and I get 3 channels in, all of which are pretty blurry and hard to see. I'm working on getting the internet at my new apartment as well, but that will take a couple weeks longer still.

I wish everyone a happy memorial day weekend. I'm not sure when I'll be back - I likely won't come to the library on Friday.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Reality - it sucks.

hey guys. I am currently at my new connection point for the internet..the public library. Since I only get 60 minutes of computer time here per day, and I only have 6 of those minutes left to write this post, I'm going to try really fast to get you caught up on my life...so here goes:

Duluth was magnificent. Fabian and I stayed at a nice Bed and Breakfast (he paid), which was built in 1909 and it was beautiful. The owner was extremely nice, made us delicious breakfast, gave us wine, and we even got the ENTIRE place to ourselves one night... seriously, the owner wasn't even there. Lake Superior was, as always, gorgeous and we visited some great restaurants and the Glensheen mansion (go visit it if you can, it's worht it!).

We got home on Saturday night. Fabian left Sunday evening. Since then, life hasn't been the same... and I have to admit I'm pretty unhappy (as is he). We're both just staying busy and plugging away at life...It helps to know that we have one less good bye to go through before he comes forever...

I'm working a lot. This week, I work 64-65 hours in 6 days... so I'm pretty busy. It's nice to go home at night, and not to have to do homework.... all I'm missing is Fabian.

Anyways, I better go, I have 1 minute left. Hope this little update helps, I'll try to update again soon.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


So, life in the last 2.5 weeks has been great. Fabian has been here, I haven't had to work, I graduated college, things are really great.

Then I found out that I bounced a couple of checks. We're human, it happens. The stupid part is that I got charged 215 dollars in overage charges by the bank. Stupid bank. I called them up and got them to remove several of the various fees, but I still have to pay about 85.00 dollars in charges, even though I only went about $15.00 in the negative.

Seriously - anything that CAN go wrong this year DOES go wrong.

Today we're heading up to Duluth. I'm going to go deposit money in my bank account, then not touch that money until next week. Then we're going to Duluth and I'm going to just enjoy the last few days with my fiance.

Friday, May 11, 2007


I'm GRADUATING today!!!!!!


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

* Dances *

No more teachers, no more looks! No more janitors' dirty looks!


I'm DONE with college FOR.EV.ER.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Woo hoo!!!!!!

I got a 78% on my test I took this afternoon, which should give me a C in Cell Biology.

I got a 94% on the test I took this afternoon online, which gives me an A in Anthropology.

I don't know what I got on my final from Monday or this morning though.

I took THREE exams today - but now I AM DONE!!!!! I never have to study..again!

Can't tell I'm excited, can you!?

Last Day - Ever

So the day has finally arrived. Today is my last day of college - ever.

I should be way more excited than I am! I have three more finals to take. I take one at eight this morning, one at one this afternoon and one... whenever I want (its online). I don't actually know if I'll get to the online one this afternoon or not. I need to take the notes for that class still (because they help w/the test), which will take a few hours. I can probably get it done today if I'm diligent though.

College has loomed over me all semester - and for four years straight. I was always studying, procrastinating studying, or enjoying a summer before going back to study. My life, it seems, has revolved around studying. After today, I don't have to study any more.

What am I going to do?

Actually, I think I'll adjust well to my new found adult-life without studying. :) Especially since soon I start working 60 hours a week!

And really, I should be studying right now. But I've figured out that if I get a 50% on my test this morning, the worst I can do in that class is a B. And if I get 44% on my test this afternoon, the worst I can get is C. And my third test is online, so as long as I take the notes and double check my answers, I'll get an A (or a high B at worst). It's just so hard to care anymore. Actually I care a lot, since in both classes I could make an A and a B (respectively) if I just do well enough. But the tests are both difficult, so I don't want to get my hopes up either....

But it doesn't really matter what I get in the end, as long as I pass. These are definitely my least stressful finales ever. And after today, I'm not a college student anymore.