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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Germany - :)

Yep..I'm still here in good ol' Germany. :) We've been seriously enjoying my vacation here, and it feels so great to be able to be with Fabian every day.

Since my last post we've been to Munich, where we ate at the Hard Rock Cafe which is right across from the most famous place to eat - Hofbrauhaus. At Hard Rock I had dessert and a long island ice tea...Fabian had a burger and fries. Then we went to the Hofbrauhaus and had weisswurst (white bratwurst) and a pretzel, then dessert, and of course Fabian had a beer (a HUGE one) and I had a Cola. We were soooo full I didn't think I'd make it home to the hotel..

And the hotel! I've never stayed at such a Beautiful one! It was really upper class, and Fabian spoiled me so much by taking me there. Gorgeous! I really felt like royalty.

We've also been to Spain and back, visiting his Grandma... which was great. She's a cute woman and is always fun to visit. She took us to the Aquarium, which was so much fun! Unfortunately though I got really sick the night right before we left with a sickness that Fabian and his mom had already had. The sickness is horrible - for about 24 hours you throw up/go to the bathroom more times than you can count..then for several days your stomach remains touchy but you feel better overall... The worst part was that we were at the airport when the worst of it hit.... And the walking to the gate was terrible..I barely made it. I had to sit several times and threw up along the way. I even started to throw up when I was boarding the plane, but thankfully I had nothing left in my stomach to come up. The stewardess asked what was wrong and we said it was probably something I ate, and she asked the captain if he still wanted me on the flight!!! Thankfully he said it was okay...or else we wouldn't have been coming home!

Let me just say..if you ever want to have your own private toilet on the plane or stewardesses who offer you drinks after you use the bathroom to throw up.... then get really horribly sick on your flight.

Don't worry - After a day in bed watching German TV (I love German TV), I feel a lot better and am no longer throwing up.


Tami said...

All three of us got the flu like that right after Christmas and Brad and I had it at the same time, it was hard to take care of everyone else, let alone myself.

Hope you feel better!!

Mindy said...

I imagine that would suck! I at least only had to take care of me..and Fabian was healthy so he helped as well!