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Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Falling Into Place

Around here lately things seem to be falling into place - praise God!!

I arrived back in MN on Wednesday at 9 am. After a quick breakfast and a two-hour nap, my step-dad drove me to my job interview (my car was in the shop) for a temporary position helping to set up a new retail store in a nearby town. Despite the fact that I was more than tired and had trouble filling out the application form (my brain was too sleepy to read it correctly), I received a phone call the very next day telling me that I got the job and was to report to work on Monday morning.

And so it was with an lighter spirit that I went to visit my dad and step-mom for a few days. On Sunday we headed to their church, which really is at someone's home. After the service the home owners' and I got to talking about my future plans, including finding a job in the animal care. Upon hearing this, they immediately told me of their grandson and a neihbor's daughter, who work for zoos in the Twin Cities. They gave me their phone numbers and urged me to call them for advice and maybe more contact information, in the hopes of finding me a job. Today I called both numbers, and though neither was available, I left messages and am hoping at least for some tips on getting work.

Speaking of work, today at work I was chit chatting a bit with an old high school classmate of mine (who just happens to work for the retail company I'm temping for). He asked what employment agency all of the other workers were hired by, and I told him. Then he said that if I was ever looking for work in our hometown, that his mom runs a temp agency there and that she is great at finding people work! As soon as I got home, I looked up her phone number and gave her a call - I have an appointment for an interview and to fill out an application this Friday!

And to top it off, I finally got a chance to go online and look for job openings in the zoo world today. I found several various jobs around the country (mostly in the southern US) that are open and that I qualify for. Of those jobs, there are four which I feel like I have a better chance at obtaining or would prefer. One of the jobs I'm really interested in has a deadline for application coming up in a few days, but two of the other three aren't due until January or February. Since I can't start until mid February anyways, I may have a better chance at these jobs, because they aren't looking for someone to start immediately!

Though it still is early, I just feel like everything is falling into place as I had hoped. Of course, appointments for intervews and job openings I'm interested in do not mean real work... but it's nice that there is potential. I'll take all the potential I can get. :)

Monday, December 17, 2007

I'm Home

Yes, I'm home.

After I left on Monday, I found out that my bus through Oklahoma was canceled due to the ice storms.

This meant that I spent Monday from 10 am through Wednesday at 9 am traveling...

Needless to say, it was a long miserable trip.

Once home I got to my interview, got the job, and spent the last several days visiting family.

I'll catch up more later..when I'm not so exhausted!

Sunday, December 09, 2007

My Last Day

Today was my last day at CARE. It was a bit sad, fun, and QUITE COLD!

Friday the high got up to 84 degrees fahrenheit. Today (sunday) it is 32 degrees.

Um.... what's wrong with this picture?

And I apologize for the mistake on when Pearl Harbor was. It was actually 66 years ago. Apparantly I can't count. Who knew!?

Tomorrow I hop on a Greyhound bus bound for MN at 11 am, and will be driving (aka riding) along for 24 hours! I'm not quite sure how that's going to work, and whether I'll like it or hate it, but it should be interesting to say the least. I have two books to read (Armageddon and Glorius Appearing, in the Left Behind series), logic puzzles & sudoku to do, and a magazine to read; not to mention a bunch of snacks.... Theoretically, I should be set.

I'll update again once I reach MN!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Dec 7

Okay, so Pearl Harbor was bombed 57 years ago today....

and it's going to be a balmy 78 degrees here in Texas today! Can you believe it? Crazy!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

All My...

"...bags are packed, I'm ready to go! I'm standing here outside your door..."

Quick - what song?

That song always makes me so sad, though it's not completely true in this situation. My two boxes I'm shipping home (weighing in at around 100-130 lbs total) are packed, and ready to be shipped tomorrow. They'll arrive in MN on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, about the same time as me. Except I'm leaving Monday morning.

My room here at CARE has lost most of its personal touch now - no more computer, no more pictures, no more dvds.... but I'm only here a few more days, so it's okay.
It's weird, though I've been talking about leaving for a while now, it didn't really sink in until now that I'm leaving this coming Monday. Part of me is sad, part of me is excited to see what's coming next in my life...but mostly I'm glad to have gotten the chance to come to Texas and work at CARE for the last three months. I have met some amazing people, learned so much about so many things, and feel better prepared for whats coming next in my life.


The itchiness has ceased!

I have gone to WalMart and have purchased the correct laundry soap!

Thank goodness!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


I am soooooooo ITCHY!!!!

Okay, let's back up the story a bit:

I am allergic to sulfa - oh how fun it is. I've been allergic my whole life, so my whole life we've taken steps to deal with the issue. Normally I don't take sulfa medicines, or wash my clothes in anything but Free & Clear All (anti-allergy laundry soap). Except in the recent past, these have changed.

It all started when I was in Germany and had to go see a doctor. I was so focused on making sure that my problems were understood by the doctor in German, that I forgot to mention how I was allergic to sulfa medicines (and the doctor never asked). So I get this medicine, start taking it, and the next day wake up to a body COVERED in red splotches. Of course, I stopped taking the medicine immediately, but over the next few weeks 3/4 of my body became covered in red rashes, and I itched like MAD...

Fast forward to Sunday night, when I'm doing laundry. I had run out of Free & Clear All, and decided to try using TIDE to wash all of my clothes in (almost everything I owned was dirty) because buying a new thing of laundry soap when I leave CARE in one week is sort of annoying. I wear my clothes Monday, and all is well. Until Monday night when I'm laying in bed and my whole.entire.body. is itchy. I start racking my brain trying to figure out what the problem is.. and I come up with NOTHING.

Then I realize that I just washed all my clothes in TIDE and that I must be allergic to TIDE..

And now I sit here at home, waiting for the director to get back so we can butcher cows and feed the cats. It isn't until AFTER we feed this afternoon that I can go to Wal-Mart (because I don't have a car, and have to wait until the other one is free).

And I'm still ITCHY!!!!!!!!!!!!