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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Paying Bills...

...is absolutely no fun.

Just thought I'd fill you in on that, in case you didn't.

Question of the Day:

If I eat barbecue chicken for dinner, then do cardio for 20 minutes, then eat chips and dip; is that bad? Cause pretty sure that's what I'm going to do tonight. I'm getting the whole excercising regularly thing down, but I still need to work on my eating habits! :)

Monday, November 26, 2007

A New Store

Last night, the other intern and I decided to head to a mall in the Fort Worth area, just to look around and maybe get some ideas for christmas gifts for people..

In the process of shopping we came across a store called Papaya, full of the cutest clothing that we both wanted to buy tons of - and the clothes were even priced at a decent price!!!! Of course, due to lack of money I didn't buy anything at all (she got a jacket). Upon coming home, I found the website online and can't wait till the day (someday) when I have a bit of extra money and can treat myself to something cute. Until then, here's the site so we all can keep dreaming:



Saturday, November 24, 2007

Long Time

It's been quite a while since I've posted anything up here, and I apologize. It may seem like working with tigers/lions/leopards/cougars is great fun, full of wild adventures... but really, it's not and I haven't been much in the mood for blogging lately... but here are a few peices of interesting tidbits to hold you over till then:

1. I leave in just over two weeks.

2. I've applied to 2 job opportunities, and haven't heard back from either.

3. I have been so busy I haven't had time to play Sims 2 on my computer in weeks.

4. I've been working out 4 times per week, and feel GREAT!

5. I go to Germany in just over 2 months!

6. Now I have to go eat PIZZA!!!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Real World, Here I Come!

Or so I hope.

In just one month I will be traveling to the real world that is Minnesota. In preparation, I've started working on and sending out resumes and cover letters, with the hope of obtaining a job...

wish me luck!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Real World

In just over a month I will be leaving CARE and finally entering the real world. No more college, no more internships..just me and a job. I hope.

Tonight I finished my resume, cover letter and application package for a job at the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago that I'm applying for. It's made me remember how much WORK it is to do application packages (seriously, they want to know EVERYTHING about you), and how much I hate doing them. I am traveling to Germany in January still, but I decided to apply for jobs that are interesting right now anyways. Maybe no place will hire me since I'll need time off..but then again maybe some place will be willing to work with me. Worst case scenario, no where is interested and I keep my major job search for when I'm back, as planned. But at least I won't wonder in the future, "What if I had applied for that stellar job?"

In any case..wish me luck!

Friday, November 02, 2007


So, my fiance and I decided to challenge each other. We both agreed to do something towards getting healthier or else the loser will have to do the dishes and laundry the entire time I'm visiting Germany.

Anyways, my end of the bargain is that I have to workout 4 times per week. Last night, I found these great work out videos on fitnessmagazine.com (they have so many free videos, it'll make your head spin) and a "15 Minute Boot Camp" video on diet.com.

Tonight I did 10 minutes of the boot camp video (all I could muster before I felt like I was going to pass out!) and nearly all of the fitnessmagazine.com "Home" workout (cut back on the reps in some of them, because I was sooo tired from "boot camp"). Anyways...apparantly cleaning up large cat feces and butchering several hundred pound cows and horses doesn't mean you're in good shape. Because I'm B.E.A.T.

And it feels so good.

Thursday, November 01, 2007


It's official: I'm going to Germany January 25 through February 17.

I bought my tickets yesterday for a reasonable price, and can't wait to go back to Europe! I haven't been there since August 2006, when I left after my year abroad and am anxious to go back for a visit.

Of course, I'm going to visit my fiance, and am super excited to see him too, as I haven't seen him since May 2007 when he was here for my college graduation.

It's a bit sad as well, because after this about 3 week visit, we won't see eachother again until early 2009, when he comes here to stay permanently. After this trip we really won't be able to afford seeing eachother again, what with lawyer and visa fees nearing at least $1000 in August/September 2009. There are also fees we'll have to pay once he gets his visa, and for his plane ticket and our wedding. Money will be in short supply! I'm also going to be starting a full time job in my career and don't expect to get time off for at least 6 months to a year or longer. All these things combined will make it impossible for us to be able to see eachother again until he comes for good.

But on the bright side, I do get to see him in January and this will be the last time I have to go through the heart wrenching goodbye thing again! And...we'll also finally be able to start planning our life together better!!! So, while it's sad on the one hand, it's also exciting too. :)