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Tuesday, October 09, 2007


The news of today is that... I GOT A HAIRCUT!! WOOT!
Okay, so at about 3:15 today, I decided that I desperately need to do something with my hair. It was dull, grown out, and boring. So, Kim and I went online, searched through an online yellow pages for salons in the next town over from us, and found Richard's Hair Salon. All reviews written were great, so I decided to give it a chance.
When I called the place, they told me they could fit me in right away if I could come. After getting the okay from my boss to go, we headed into town and searched for the place. We got a little lost, but were able to find it in the end. I had told them that I have no idea what I want to do with my hair, and I got an appointment with the owner of the salon.
Right away Richard took charge and asked what I wanted, then gave me some great ideas. He went ahead and cut it...and this is what turned out!
Once the haircut was over, I got my eyebrows waxed from a woman at the day spa portion of the salon. She told me my eyebrows grow weird and that I need to get a facial to fix my face, because there are a lot of things wrong with it. Um...okay. She isn't native to America, and though her English was good, what she said came out wrong - but it was still a bit of a downer after my hair cut.
After we were done there, Kim and I decided to go to this Chinese buffet in the same town that we had been meaning to go to for a while. I was excited to go, and when we walked in all seemed okay. The workers didn't talk much, and it was really quiet in there, but that was okay. We got our food right away, and when we bit into it we were...disappointed. After trying several different dishes, and bypassing the brown bananas in strawberry sauce, we came to the conclusion that it was the worst chinese food we've ever eaten. Also a bit dissapointing after a good salon experience.
Hey, at least my hair looks better :)


Anonymous said...

Funny! Your hair cut looks just like mine that I did a couple weeks ago. The length is about the same and they majorly texturized so it a lot thinner and not so bottom heavy. I am still dull brown because I don't have money for highlights but that is okay.

Great Cut!! Sorry about the other stuff. Weather up here has been unusually warm until today. Last sunday was 80 degrees. Tomorrow's high - 47! Your tan looks nice, wish I could have one. :)

Mindy said...

Thanks Tami! It's creepy that we have a similar haircut to each other - I thought we were done being so much alike back in high school? ;)

My hair is so fine that they gave it lots of layers so that it'll move around more... I don't even notice my tan anymore, because I've seen it so much! Despite my tan, I still sun burn every day we work outside all day long (which is at least once every 4 days).

It finally cooled off a little here - they highs are only 80. Woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

You and Tammi are so funny> I do like the hair cut, your hair is getting so light.

Mindy said...

aww..thanks mom!