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Saturday, August 26, 2006

Am I going to die?

Now I'm a zoology major who is planning on working at a zoo as a keeper after graduation. I've spent three years working at boarding places for dogs and cats where I've spent most of that time cleaning up things a lot of people don't like to think about. There aren't too many things that gross me out, except for the sink plugs for my kitchen sink in my apartment (see pictures).

But seriously? Everytime I look at these things or use my sinks, I wonder if there is some sort of bacteria or virus or something living on them and if they're going to kill me. I think the first thing on my list of things to buy for my apartment needs to be: new sink plugs.


Anonymous said...

I agree you need new ones, at least it will be a cheap improvement....

Mindy said...

thankfully. there's is some stuff i have to call maintenance about though... like my tub faucet that doesn't shut off all the way, or the part of the heater which is no longer attached to the wall... but I promise it's not a huge dumb. just old.
