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Monday, August 28, 2006

Question: How does a poor person afford a bulletin board?

Answer: They use cardboard that they got pretty much free, tape newspaper to the back to make it thicker, then tape the entire thing to the wall with scotch tape. Total cost of bulletin board: $1.99 which I had to spend anyways (cardboard came in an envolope I had to buy to sell my text book). If I had some cloth I'd put that on there too. That'll have to be the next step... Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Why didn't you just tape what is on the "bulletin board" to the wall? That seems much easier to me. :) It would be a easy and cheap way to decorate too!

Mindy said...

Tami - I did! but didn't like it so I tried the bulletin board... except that the bulletin board didn't stay up so it is now on a counter in my kitchen... hee hee hee.. guess I failed. But seriously, I have a bunch of stuff taped to the wall too... :)