About Me

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Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Though there are many things in the world today that I do not approve of, one of the things I do approve of is the blog. Blogs have helped people stay updated on eachother's lives, tell their life story, preserve their memories, publish a book, and make a living. This blog is just the same.

I am a university student in the midwest who recently came back from studying abroad in Germany. I spent the last 13 months there and have returned to the United States to finish the last year and a half of college here in the States. If you are interested in my adventures abroad go here, where you will find my blog which served me well the entire time I was gone.

To those of you who are coming here for the first time, I want to say welcome and I hope you enjoy my writings. For those of you who are traveling here from my last blog, I hope you continue to join me in the next chapter of my life. :)

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