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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

FlyLady - Day 2

Well, I did it - I survived day 1 and day 2!!!

My to-do list that I posted yesterday now looks like this:

- Do FlyLady Task - DONE!!
- Make sure my sinks are shiny & clean! - DONE!!
- Get up a little earlier so I'm not in a rush to go to work. - DONE!!
- Take out trash when I leave for work. - DONE!!
- Talk to Pastor about wedding ceremony. - Will call in 40 minutes.
- Think/e-mail/talk with fiance about where to have wedding reception dinner. - DONE!!

It feels so good to have accomplished all this. The FlyLady task for today was to get dressed from head to shoe, right when I get up. Since I work, this wasn't a problem for me. I took it a little further even, and after my shower today I got dressed in normal clothes, instead of just my P.J.'s like I so often do. The idea behind it is if you get dressed, do your hair, make-up, and even put your shoes on, then you will feel more confident about yourself and better able to tackle the things of life. I did cheat a little - I didn't put my shoes on. But I still feel ready to roll!

In addition to all of the above, I also completed a special challenge today in the FlyLady group - spend 15 minutes picking up any clothes on the ground. I had a small pile, so it only took about 2 minutes. And it makes such a huge difference in my apartment!

I ALSO set a timer for 15 minutes and did dishes. I have so many to do, it's horrible to even admit. But I got a good load done. My goal is to do dishes nightly, so they don't stack up. It is part of a new "before bedtime" routine of things to do each night that I set up today. This is another FlyLady trick - having a bedtime routine of certain things that gets done, so that you stay on top of things.

I'm getting somewhere - I can soooo totally do this!

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