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Sunday, May 25, 2008


Well, life here in P.C. is going well. My job is great. I like my coworkers, and I stay plenty busy! Right now I'm working 9-11 hour days, so it's pretty exhausting. Unfortunately, I can't say more due to confidentiality rules. Sorry guys.

In other news, that I CAN talk about, I've gotten a kitten! She's about 7 weeks old and full of all the energy and annoying habits of all kittens. Oh, but I love her! Her favorite game right now is "scratch-up-Mindy." How do you play? You hide behind boxes and squat down really low to the ground, then jump out and attack Mindy's bare skin with your claws! And let me tell you, it's great fun. In the case that Mindy's feet/legs/hands/arms/head/hair/etc. aren'te accessible, just jump and reach for them and eventually you'll scratch something!

No, in all honesty, she's great. She's going through you're typical kitten stuff. She treats me as a combination mom and litter-mate, and I've only had her for 6 days - so the bonding part is great. She's super happy to see me in the morning (she's not allowed in my bedroom) and in the evenings when I come home from work. Then she alternates playing (with some part of my body (right now she's OBSESSED with my feet) and sleeping curled up in my lap. I sit at the computer right now with a spray bottle of water in my lap, spraying her with it about every 5 seconds - when she plays with my feet. You'd think the concept is simple: Play with feet = sprayed with water. But, she keeps coming back and back and back... her backside is decently wet, but she doesn't give up. I think now it's a contest of wills....who'll give up first, her or me?

In a way, I'm flattered she loves to play with me so much. But on the other hand, I really wish she'd play with her toys instead of my feet!

Ahh..but I'm sure diligence will pay off in the end. At least that's what all the training books say. "Don't lose your temper, be patient, diligent, and consistant, and it'll pay off."

I'll let you know how it turns out.

p.s. Her name is "Lea" (as in "leh-ah"). It means "little lioness" in German.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Well, I'm finally here in Ohio. The weather is spectacular, Lake Erie is gorgeous, my apartment is...being painted lime green today, my new job is awesome, and my new bike is getting me into shape!

I got here Friday night at 11 pm Eastern Time, after my Greyhound was delayed 7 hours in Chicago! Thankfully I got to spend time with an old friend during a few of those hours, so that was great.

Upon arrival my new managers picked me up and brought me to my apartment, which my landlord had left unlocked. I crashed on the couch they had left for me and woke up the next day to sign my lease and find out that they are going to paint my apartment for me and replace the carpet! :)

Saturday and Sunday I just sort of lazed around. I went shopping Saturday and bought the necessities and my new purple mountain bike for getting around town. Sunday I explored Port Clinton downtown and found the best popcorn shop where you can buy lots of different flavors of popcorn! :) MMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!

Monday I had my first day of work, and it was great. There's nothing like zookeeping, and I have missed it since I was at CARE several months ago. I get along really great with my coworkers and feel like they will help me to excel over these next 6 months and in wherever I go next.

I really love it out here. The only complaint so far is that I don't have many friends, a computer, a TV, or anything else to do yet besides read..so it can be a bit boring. But my computer and scrapbooking stuff is on its way and should be here next week at the latest, so then it'll be better.
I just thought I'd update everyone real quick..I'm using the library's internet now and may only be able to get in on it once a week or so... but I'll update as often as I can!