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Friday, July 13, 2007

And it occurred to me

I sat down this morning to add a few items to my to-do list for this Friday the 13th, in a planner that I recently bought at Wal-Mart for a whole four dollars. After writing the ever important items down, I began to flip ahead a bit in the planner, just to look. As I was flipping through the blank pages which encompass the next 18 months or so of my life, I found myself beginning to realize that this planner is destined to witness a multitude of events and changes in my life that will ultimately usher me in to the full fledgled world of adulthood.

What in the world am I talking about? Well, I guess it just hit me, how much is going to change for me in the very near future. In just over a month I'll be leaving to live in Texas, to do an internship at C.A.R.E.; a large cat sanctuary in Bridgeton, Texas. For the first time in my life I will be traveling to a place I have never been to or seen with my own eyes (I've never even been to Texas, let alone Bridgeton). Once I get there I will be totally alone, for the first time ever. Fabian won't be there to help me out, my parents won't just be three hours away, and not one of my friends lives in Texas anywhere - the closest will be Tiffany in New Mexico.

After Texas I'll be moving on to a permanent job somewhere in the world... and as of right now I have no idea where. Most likely it'll be in a state relatively far from home, where I won't know anyone at all. Most likely I'll be traveling there alone, finding an apartment alone, finding the grocery stores alone, and getting completely settled...alone. I'll have to find a way to make friends, and to thrive in my new habitat...

When I'm in my new place I'll begin making it a home - my first more permanent home.

I'm super excited at all of these things... I can't wait to find out how they all happen and plan out! I can't wait for the challenge of moving out completely on my own in the spring and becoming a full fledged adult - even more so than I am now. I can't wait to go to Texas and I can't wait to start making a home for myself and eventually Fabian when the time comes...

So until then I will continue to page through my planner, wondering at all the changes that God surely has in store for me in the future. Wondering how they'll work out, where I'll end up and what life has in store for me. I'll continue to push my way through the everday life here in Fargo, where I work at a job that I no longer enjoy most days of the week. I'll relish life in my apartment for the last month I'll live there, and thoroughly enjoy my last seven days of work at the zoo! And I'll do my best to enjoy the excitement and build up of the next stage in my life.


Anonymous said...

It is exciting and scary to go somewhere were you don't know anyone and start over, but I am confident you are going to do great at it. When do you actually leave Fargo? Is it before we come back to school?

Anonymous said...

you should definitly keep that planner- you can show it to your kids. moving away is scary, but i'm sure you will make new friends fast! oh and KC and i are coming up to fargo this weekend- will you be around? e-mail me or call me and let me know!!

Mindy said...

I leave Fargo before you guys come up to school, in case you check this... my move out date is August 15. But I won't be leaving for Texas until August 22, so maybe we can find time in August to see eachother.