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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Improv Everywhere

So, recently I was on Tiny Kingdom where I came across her link to You Tube. This link went to a video by Improv Everywhere, a group based in New York who do a bunch of incredibly funny things. They have a video where 80 of their members walk into a New York city Best Buy in blue polo shirts and khaki pants and just stand around. Or a time when a bunch of people check in their bags to a check counter at a library or other establishment and a bunch of people outside call all the phones at the same time... just some weird and silly stuff, that's also funny. Go check it out! (Click here to go to their site).

Monday, August 28, 2006

Question: How does a poor person afford a bulletin board?

Answer: They use cardboard that they got pretty much free, tape newspaper to the back to make it thicker, then tape the entire thing to the wall with scotch tape. Total cost of bulletin board: $1.99 which I had to spend anyways (cardboard came in an envolope I had to buy to sell my text book). If I had some cloth I'd put that on there too. That'll have to be the next step... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Am I going to die?

Now I'm a zoology major who is planning on working at a zoo as a keeper after graduation. I've spent three years working at boarding places for dogs and cats where I've spent most of that time cleaning up things a lot of people don't like to think about. There aren't too many things that gross me out, except for the sink plugs for my kitchen sink in my apartment (see pictures).

But seriously? Everytime I look at these things or use my sinks, I wonder if there is some sort of bacteria or virus or something living on them and if they're going to kill me. I think the first thing on my list of things to buy for my apartment needs to be: new sink plugs.

Friday, August 25, 2006

I've ALMOST found a job

I have applied to 5 different places in the last week and a half, with the last application being turned in today. So far, I've had two interviews, one job offer and one "we'll make a decision early next week and let you know". The first job offer I'll probably have to turn down due to the schedule not working too well with mine, but I have a very good feeling that one of the other four places will hire me.

So, keep me in your prayers and thoughts everyone, and cross your fingers for me, cause I've almost found a job!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

After many hours of searching and decision making, I've finally taken the plunge. I've signed up for cell phone service.

I will soon be the owner of a new (free) cell phone from T-Mobile, with 300 anytime minutes and unlimited weekend minutes.

It should come by Tuesday, so I'll let everyone know my number when I get it.

P.S. It's thunderstorming.


My kitchen is cleaned. Last night I washed every dish, dried it and put it away (cause they needed to be washed, they'd been sitting around for a while).

My living room is cleaned. I put all the papers in a pile to be filed, next to my file box and set up my "desk", which is really a small shelving unit which is being used for a desk because I can't afford to buy a desk.

My bathroom is cleaned. But that has been since I got here.

And I'm working on the rest.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The view from my living room window of my new apartment. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I'm Here

Well, I've survived the first two days in my new place. It's old, there isn't any carpet and there are stains and what not everywhere. Without cable my TV gets in three whole channels, each one staticky. My stuff hasn't gotten unpacked yet... but at least it's my own apartment.

Monday, August 21, 2006

I'm Moving

I'm moving into my apartment today at college. It's a one bedroom, with a kitchen, living room, bathroom, and office/dining area... I'm excited and nervous and can't believe that all my dreaming of what it would be like will happen today... *takes a deep breath* I wish my fiance was here to enjoy it with me...

p.s. I lived with my then boyfriend in Germany... on July 31 he asked me to marry him. Yep - I'm ENGAGED! :)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Though there are many things in the world today that I do not approve of, one of the things I do approve of is the blog. Blogs have helped people stay updated on eachother's lives, tell their life story, preserve their memories, publish a book, and make a living. This blog is just the same.

I am a university student in the midwest who recently came back from studying abroad in Germany. I spent the last 13 months there and have returned to the United States to finish the last year and a half of college here in the States. If you are interested in my adventures abroad go here, where you will find my blog which served me well the entire time I was gone.

To those of you who are coming here for the first time, I want to say welcome and I hope you enjoy my writings. For those of you who are traveling here from my last blog, I hope you continue to join me in the next chapter of my life. :)