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Thursday, August 21, 2008


I have great news!!!!

About 3 weeks ago I applied for a job in Virginia. The position was full time and permanent..something my zookeeping career needed! So I applied and a week later called them up to make sure they got my application.

I left them a message that day, and a few hours later I got a call back from their curator. We set up a phone interview for the next day and it went wonderfully. So wonderfully that I got invited immediately to a personal interview at my earliest convienance.

So this week my parents (dad & step-mom) were already planning on coming to visit. We agreed to change our plans to a road-trip to Virginia for the interview (an 8 hour drive from where I live now). I had the interview on Tuesday afternoon...
and today they OFFERED ME THE JOB!!!!

Of course, I said yes.

The position is at a safari-themed drive thru park, much like the one I work at now. The pay is more (3 dollars more) per hour than I make now and the position requires a 2 year minimum commitment...EXACTLY what I need in my career. Not to mention the fact that I'll be living IN THE MOUNTAINS (it's gorgeous there) in a historic town that is only a few hours drive from other major attractions: four hours to the atlantic ocean, 3.5 to Washington D.C., 6.5 to New York, and within a few hours of other large cities. Plus..did I mention it's in the mountains? So there are tons of hiking trails, and it's surrounded by beautiful natural forest land and there's other tourist stuff as well....

I'm so excited!


Tami said...

So...when can I come visit? I have told Brad that if I had my choice I'd pick either the virginia's or caroline's to be stationed (I wouldn't argue England or Italy either). Have to see if things work out and I come visit the beautiful mountians!

Mindy said...

You should definitely come visit.. and you should definitely get stationed somewhere near me in virginia!!!! :) Maybe then we could see each other for once! :)

Miss you!

Tami said...

Have a safe move - whenever it is. Let me know what your new address is, once you know it!

Miss you tons!