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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Interview Update

Hey everyone!

I’ve gotten a few questions regarding how my interview went, so I thought I’d quickly update everyone!

The interview went well. It was a phone interview with two people, the curator of the zoo and a zookeeper II (upper level zookeeper). They asked me a bunch of questions, most of which I was prepared for. Only one question caught me off guard but I still think I recovered well and answered it well.

I was told to call back the following Sunday to check on the process. When I called back she told me that they haven’t been able to come to any conclusions yet, and that since she’s going out of town for a conference for a week I should call back after the 25th of March.
So, on the bright side, I’m not out of the running yet! I’m not sure if they’ve eliminated some candidates after the interviews already or if they just haven’t had time to do anything... but the most important thing is I’m still in the running! Had I been horrible, I’m sure I would’ve been told then and there that they aren’t interested in me.

I’m super excited for this position still. I think it’d be a great place to continue my career and that Fabian and I could both be happy there. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. In the mean time I’m still working on resumes/applications and getting interviews at other places as well.

As I find out more information about jobs, I’ll keep you all posted! :) Hopefully I’ll be getting something soon!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Good News. Bad News.

Wow! I have good news and I have bad news tonight!!!

Let's start with the bad news:

The temp job I've been working for the past two weeks isn't working out nearly as I'd hoped. It's a call center job, asking people to donate money to various non-profit organizations. At first I thought it'd be easy and a great place to work, but it's not as easy as I thought. I've been on the phone by myself for four days now, and of the group that is calling for the same organization I'm calling for, I'm doing the worst! I feel that I'm slowly getting the hang of it, but they keep sending me home after only 1 or 2 hours on the phones, so I feel like I'm not getting much of a chance to prove myself. It's a bit frustrating. After being sent home for the THIRD day in a row, I asked if this would continue all week. The supervisor assured me it wouldn't... so I'm going to go back tomorrow. But if they send me home again tomorrow after only an hour or two, then I'm going to have to quit. Why? Because it's not worth driving 1 hour there and back in order to work 1 or 2 hours only. Gas is way too expensive for that, and I'm only getting paid $8/hour before taxes. So..that's a bummer.

The GREAT news is...drum roll please... I have a job interview for a zoo job!!!!!!! As you all know I've been applying for a while now for a permanent zoo position. A couple of weeks ago I sent in an application to the Pueblo Zoo in Pueblo, Colorado for an apprentice zoo keeper position. The pay is low, but it's an entry level position at a great facility in a beautiful area of the country.. so I applied. About a week after I sent in my application I called the curator (who is the contact for new jobs) and left her a nice message saying that I just wanted to check up on my application. That was Thursday of last week. On Friday, I called back a little later in the afternoon and said the same thing, in a really nice way. I was pleasant and said please and thank you.
Due to shopping with my mom I didn't get a chance to call today, but figured I'd call again tomorrow if I still hadn't heard from her. :) Well... after I got off of work early tonight, I checked my voice mail. And it was HER! :) She said that she was returning my call and that they're starting phone interviews and want me to be one of the interviews on Wednesday or Thursday this week!!!!! I'm soooooooooo excited and happy!!!!

I'm not sure if I've blogged about it, but I've been pretty bummed these last couple of weeks. I've been feeling sorry for myself and frustrated that even though I've been trying, no where wants to hire me. I was especially bummed due to this temporary job not working out so well for me. As some of you may remember, I really really hate applying to jobs and I've been applying to both zoo and non-zoo jobs daily for 3 weeks now. I had finally thought I was done at least with applying to non-zoo jobs, but this job I have now isn't working well, so I realized I needed to start applying again..and I was so unhappy yesterday and today. And now... I have an interview!
Okay....sooooo... I realize that an interview doesn't mean a job. But it DOES mean that I'm at least noticeable enough to get an interview. And THAT is a really great beginning! I'm going to spend the next couple of days brushing up on my interview skills and practice what to answer. I feel confident that I can do the job and that it would be an AWESOME place to continue my career. I also think that Fabian and I would both be really happy there.

YAY! I'm so happy!

P.S. Because I know an interview does not mean a job offer, I put in applications at Kohl's and Dairy Queen (both are hiring) for a position to pay my bills until I do get a zoo job somewhere. I'll let you all know how the interview goes!