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Monday, June 11, 2007

I'm Still Living

Well, everyone, I'm still alive and kicking. Life has been relatively monotonous lately. If you want to live like me, just do the following:

Get up. Eat. Go to work. Eat. Come home from work. Eat. Do nothing. Sleep. Repeat.

It's not all bad though. This past weekend I went home for a few days to celebrate my step-dad's 50th birthday by helping ot throw a surprise party for him on Saturday. It went very well, and he was happy with it. On Sunday I headed over to my real dad's house to celebrate his birthday and father's day, since I can't afford to go home a second time this month. That went well too. Afterwards I drove back home, through some bad storms - but I survived.

This week, there isn't anything on my agenda except working. I cleaned my apartment last night, so that's done. I got some more movies from the library and some books on cougars, boa constrictors, and parrots. I figured it's time I start reading up on animals I work with.

That's about it from my corner of the world. It finally is hot here in Fargo, and the sun is supposed to shine more often than not this entire week - there's hope that our flood levels will go down yet!

Have a great week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was just going to send you an email to check that you were still living and breathing! LOL! Life is the same as yours just throw in changing diapers and nap times!
Talk to you soon, Tami