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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Life

Well. It certainly has been quite a long time since I've posted! There is so much to catch up on. But I'll use bullets to make it a faster read for you all. :)

* It didn't take long to get frustrated with people talking to me through my windows. So I kept them shut.

* It also didn't take long for me to get annoyed at not having any natural sunlight or fresh air available to my dungeon-like apartment. Nov 3rd I moved to a different apartment in the same building, which is on the outside portion! Now I get air and sunlight, and me and my kitty LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

* Downside to the new apartment: noisy neighbors. Parties all night long, music till all hours of the night. I finally called the police on them and reported them to my manager. Manager said they are getting evicted as soon as they can get to court. That was a couple weeks ago and I haven't seen or heard them since about the same time I talked to the manager! Now it is peaceful and wonderful here.

* I am working 6 days a week at my new job and loving it. I could have 2 days off a week, but choose to make the extra money each month to put towards our wedding in March and only have 1 day of rest. Since I excel when kept very busy, this is absolutely great for me!

* Our wedding planning is coming along nicely. We have found a reception site we love that is in our price range. All that is left to finalize the decision is for my parents to go eat there and snap some pictures for us to see. Then we will book it! :) It isn't a hugely popular place for wedding receptions (it's a restaurant) so there isn't a big rush - I highly doubt someone will book March 27th, 2009 at the restaurant this far in advance!

* I've also ordered my wedding dress! See it here: Adelaide. It is absolutely gorgeous. And I look and feel amazing in it. It should come in to the store here in Virginia in February!

* Guess what else is coming into Virginia in February!? My fiance!!! The first step of his visa process was approved and as we speak the application is in the mail going to the embassy in Germany. All that's left is a few more papers, some more government fees to pay, an interview to pass at the embassy and a medical exam. Sounds like a lot - but compared to the 5 month wait just to get the first approval - it's really nothing at all! Since his visa is going through smoothly, he should have no problem getting a flight to move here in the end of February 2009. Then we will drive up to MN for our wedding in the end of March. It's only 3 months away until he moves, 4 months until the wedding --> we're both sooooooo very excited!

That's really about it. I'll try to post up here a bit more often. I've been very big into saving money lately - spending as little as possible and adding as much as I can to my savings account for the wedding. I'm really trying to control my finances and am doing pretty good. The last 5 weeks I've managed to shave $60 a month off of my grocery bill alone! :) I'm thinking about posting more regularly on here about my various goals/challenges to myself in the area of my finances... we'll see.

Until then - have a good turkey day!