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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Found: Phone!

Well... color me blonde.. but I FOUND my cell phone.

It was in the stupidest place imagineable, and I swear I looked there a hundred thousand times.

But... apparantly not.

So... I will still be getting a new phone number, because I get no cell phone service in my apartment and would prefer to have a phone that I can use w/o walking to the parking lot. When I get the number, I will let you all know.


Saturday, September 13, 2008


So... it's been quite awhile since I've posted on here, and I apologize. In the hub-bub of everything, this blog often times gets neglected.

I did complete my move to Virginia, and all is well here. I have a nice apartment and the area is beautiful. My first day of work is Monday, and I'm nervous and excited for it... I hope it'll go well.

There have been 2 big problems here though, since arriving. The first is my cell phone.. or lack thereof. See, I lost my cell phone on Friday (9/12) and cannot find it ANYWHERE. That means that if you try to call me on it, I will not be reachable, and it will say "This person is not accepting calls at this time. Please try again later." If you try later, I still won't be accepting calls. I don't know where the phone is... we've looked all over to no avail.

With that said.. I will be getting a new phone and/or phone number within the next several days and as soon as I have it, I will let everyone know. Please though, if you know my e-mail address, e-mail me your phone number. Tomorrow I'm buying a paper address book to take the spot of my old address book on my cell phone... and I need everyone's number again because I lost all that info with the phone as well.

The second problem is electricity. I forgot to call the electric company before I came and they aren't able to come out to turn my electric on till Monday (9/15), even though I called Friday (9/12). So.. that means no lights, no refridgerator, no hot water, and no stove (it's an electric stove). I do have a power cord from another apartment and can run a light, a fan and my computer, so all is not lost. I've had neighbors offer me to use their shower as well, so that's good too...

And that brings me to my 3rd, and final point of the day.. the weirdest thing so far is that people talk to me through my windows. In my apartment complex, all the apartments open to the outside, with my apartment opening into a little walk way area between the two buildings. I've learned that if your windows are open and your curtains are open as well, people will just stop and talk to you through your windows. Yesterday it was the maintenance guy on several different occassions. Today it was a woman who I think must live down the way from me... she just stopped by and said, "Hey - do you want to shower?"

Lol... if I didn't know better I'd have fell to the floor right there in shock probably. I mean, honestly, who ever asks you that question? I think she was the fiancee of a guy who stopped by earlier though and introduced himself, then said that he & his fiancee had gone through the same problem recently when they moved in and if I need anything, even a shower, to just let them know. My guess is she was his fiancee.

But... seriously, how often in life does someone just stop and talk to you at your window? Weird. At least it's a nice ice breaker to make friendships, right?