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Monday, June 18, 2007


I'm still alive. I'm still working. I'm still trying to figure out insurance (I think I'm going with Blue Cross Blue Shield).

And that's about it. Sorry life isn't more exciting.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Health insurance sucks. This is my decision.

I am currently doing the unthinkable - I am without health insurance. But I am in the process of finding good health insurance. And what I've found so far, sucks.

I can get cheap cheap chea plans - for under 100 dollars even - but there's a catch. The deductibles are high - like 5000 dollars high. I don't have 5000 dollars to pay before they would help me out with anything. I don't even have 200 dollars for that matter. This would look like a better option, if I didn't already know that I need to go to the doctor. I have a sty coming in on my inside lower eyelid. This is my second time with one in the last few months and like last time, I'll have to go get it removed. I was on my dad's insurance before, so they covered it all..but I'd hate to see what that bill costs when my deductible is $5000.. especially since I have to go in twice - once to check it, and then once to remove it. Bah humbug. I don't have that sort of money.

I did find some better seeming plans. There is one from Blue Cross Blue Shield for a cheaper deductible. I found one with a $150 deductible...but then the premium is over $200 each month. I don't have over $200 to pay each month. In the fall I'm not going to make ANY money. Bah humbug.

I guess I'll probably end up taking one somewhere in the middle. There was another one by BCBS that didn't seem so bad. On Friday I'm going to have to make some phone calls about possible plans.

Health insurance sucks.

In other news, I saw Pirates of the Carribean tonight...the third one. Good Good Good movie. The first one is still better, but the 3rd was a HUGE improvement over the second one. I was disappointed at the end, and I admit I cried. BUT the after scene (after the credits) made me a bit happier.

Monday, June 11, 2007

I'm Still Living

Well, everyone, I'm still alive and kicking. Life has been relatively monotonous lately. If you want to live like me, just do the following:

Get up. Eat. Go to work. Eat. Come home from work. Eat. Do nothing. Sleep. Repeat.

It's not all bad though. This past weekend I went home for a few days to celebrate my step-dad's 50th birthday by helping ot throw a surprise party for him on Saturday. It went very well, and he was happy with it. On Sunday I headed over to my real dad's house to celebrate his birthday and father's day, since I can't afford to go home a second time this month. That went well too. Afterwards I drove back home, through some bad storms - but I survived.

This week, there isn't anything on my agenda except working. I cleaned my apartment last night, so that's done. I got some more movies from the library and some books on cougars, boa constrictors, and parrots. I figured it's time I start reading up on animals I work with.

That's about it from my corner of the world. It finally is hot here in Fargo, and the sun is supposed to shine more often than not this entire week - there's hope that our flood levels will go down yet!

Have a great week!

Friday, June 01, 2007


Just thought I'd let you know that I'm still alive and kicking.

Working a lot is difficult, but I'm determined to save money and pay off my credit card as much as I can before the summer is up.... And I'm currently working on ways to earn more money.. I'll fill you all in as soon as everythign pans out for sure.

I wanted to wish everyone a great weekend! :)